Home > Fools in Love(5)

Fools in Love(5)
Author: J. Sterling

An NYPD officer walked up to me and slapped his hand on my back in some sort of congratulations. “I think you got the hottest woman in the room. At least your date will be fun. Did you see who won me?” he asked with a laugh.
I shook my head because I hadn’t paid attention to anyone else. “Sorry, man, I didn’t catch it.”
“She’s a bit out of my age range, but she’s probably nice, right?”
I wasn’t sure if he was sincerely asking or not, so I didn’t give him a response.
“Not sure she’s going to be able to bowl though.”
“Yeah. My date is dinner and bowling. What’d you get?”
Running my hand across my eyes, I hesitated before telling him. I knew he’d be jealous. I’d read the brochure front to back while I waited for my turn onstage. Out of all of the dates, mine was hands down the best one, in my opinion.
“You’re gonna be pissed,” I said, and his mouth formed a frown.
“Tell me,” he insisted.
“Dinner at Tavern. Private skating at Wollman. Serendipity for dessert,” I recited what I’d read in the pamphlet as nonchalantly as I could muster, but his jaw clenched shut anyway. I couldn’t have missed his reaction if I’d tried.
Tavern on the Green was a New York staple. A historic landmark in the heart of Central Park that was seeped in history and luxurious dining. Most people didn’t go there on a first date unless you were planning to propose after. And Serendipity was just as famous, known for its frozen hot chocolate and that stupid movie people couldn’t seem to get enough of.
“Not fair, man.”
“I know. I told you.”
“Time to mingle,” he said before giving me a head nod and heading out one of the doors.
I contemplated staying here, wondering if anyone would notice my absence at all. But before I could make a decision, Sheila McHenry appeared backstage, her eyes searching for someone before landing right on me.
“Ah, just the bachelor I was looking for,” she said, and I forced a smile.
“And why’s that?”
“I want you to meet your date.” She grabbed my arm, wrapping hers through it as she led me out of my safe space and into the crowd.
I spotted Sheila closing in on where I stood with Meredith, a vodka tonic in one hand, which I quickly finished off before she reached me. She was arm in arm with none other than the guy I’d apparently bought a date with. He was freaking gorgeous, and I lost myself for a second, thinking about how fucking hot he must look in his firefighter uniform.
The man was a work of art. And I suspected that he knew it.
“April, this is Robbie. Robbie, this is my brilliant protégé, April. I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about and coordinate,” Sheila said, and I sensed that she was about to walk away and leave me alone with this guy who looked like he wanted nothing to do with me.
Reaching out, I grabbed her arm before clearing my throat. “Technically, he’s your date since you paid and all. Right?” I focused my gaze on Robbie before adding, “I think she wanted to go out with you, but didn’t want anyone to know, so she used my paddle instead of her own. That way, no one could gossip about the young stud Sheila McHenry bid on at her own event.”
I was talking a mile a minute, and I had no idea why.
Does this guy make me nervous? And if so, why?
“Isn’t that right?” I asked, my voice cracking as I met Sheila’s amused grin.
“No. That’s not right. He’s a gift. For you. You’re a gift. For him. You’re both here for each other.”
My face had to look as confused as I felt. Sheila reached for Meredith and said something I couldn’t hear, and they left before I could ask her any more questions. I’d grill Meredith for information at the office tomorrow. She was my assistant after all.
“That was weird. Is she always that weird?” Robbie asked.
I shook my head. “No. Never.”
Sucking in a breath, I took a long, hard look at the man who was supposed to be my gift. He towered over me, which Sheila knew was my first downfall in a man. I loved a tall guy. His dark hair was cut short, and he had a beard to match. That facial hair was a work of art, perfectly aligned along his jawline, making it appear even sexier somehow. He had green eyes. Another thing known to ruin my decision-making skills. What was it about green eyes on a man that made women turn to dough?
His body looked like it had been made by an Italian carver. If they erected a statue out of his physique, millions around the world would worship at its feet. Not me, of course. I’d admire it from afar. Maybe take a picture or two.
The sound of fingers snapping drew my attention, and my cheeks felt a hundred times hotter in that instant.
“Sorry, I was distracted.”
“I noticed,” he said, his lips not even remotely turning up to smile. He was irritated.
“I wasn’t …” I stumbled on an excuse to give him that I knew he wouldn’t buy. “Never mind.”
He leaned toward me. “I could look at you the same way you just looked at me. Like you’re nothing but a hot piece of ass with a set of great tits. I could jack off for days to the image of those perfect lips wrapped around my cock, sucking me off.” His words hit my ear in a way that caused the hairs on my arms to stand on end with warning.
I pulled my head away from his lips, my mouth suddenly dry, my stomach on the floor. It had been a long time since anyone had been so vulgar toward me. At least, not without my wanting it.
“Does that make you feel good about yourself? To know that I see you as nothing but a shell I’d love to fuck, make come, and never talk to again?”
“Jesus. Stop it,” I complained, and that earned me the tiniest smirk.
“Ah, so you don’t like it.” He sounded smug. Proud of himself.
Shifting my weight from foot to foot, I met his judgmental gaze. “I don’t like it. I don’t even know you.”
“Welcome to my world.” He blew out a breath.
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