Home > The Husband List(13)

The Husband List(13)
Author: Ella Quinn

“I was receiving advice on courting Madeline.” Harry poured a glass of sherry and handed one to Dotty. “It appears the Duchess of Salforth is participating in society again.”

His sister nodded. “I understand. Her son will be at the ball this evening.”

Harry took a drink of sherry. “And he’s asked Madeline for a dance.”

Merton poured a glass of claret. “But if Harry took my earlier advice, he already has asked her for the supper dance.”

“I have.” Thank the deity for his brother-in-law’s counsel. “And if you have a list of balls, I will ensure I ask her for every supper dance.” Until he was able to have all her sets.

“I will make a copy of the events I have accepted and give it to you.” Dotty sipped her wine.

“Thank you.” No man could be luckier in his family.

Dotty stared at him. “Is there anything else I can do?”

“Sell me the carriage I’ve been borrowing?”

“I suppose I could do that. I use my phaeton more than the curricle.” She grimaced. “Actually, I use my landau more than anything these days.”

“You could just give it to him, my love,” Merton said. “It’s in a good cause.”

Dotty glanced at the ceiling and laughed. “Very well. Have your secretary draw up the document gifting the carriage to Harry.”

The door opened and the butler took one step into the room. “My lady, dinner is served.”

“Thank you, Parkin.”

Merton placed her hand on his arm. “I have one more favor to ask of you, my love.”

“Hmm, what is it?” Dotty’s lips twitched.

“Could you arrange a small al fresco luncheon at Richmond Park? We will take the children, of course.”

“Now that is a good idea. It will be fun to get out of London for a day.” She glanced back at Harry. “Do you want me to invite all of Madeline’s family?”

As much as he loved her family, that would give him no time at all alone with her. “Would it be too presumptuous to just invite Madeline?”

“I shall speak with Grace.” They entered the dining room. “She will have an idea.”

Only if Grace was in favor of his suit. “I’ll wait to hear what she says.”

Just over an hour later, he, Dotty, and Merton entered the crowded Markham ballroom, and his senses were immediately drawn to Madeline. She was dressed in a light pink gown that caught the light when she moved. Pearls and pink ribbons were threaded through her chestnut curls. Beneath a simple pearl necklace, the slope of her breasts showed above the top of her gown. If only he could taste them.

“Lead the way,” Merton said quietly.

“How did you know?” It was almost as if he could read Harry’s mind.

His brother-in-law just smirked. Whatever that meant. Still, Harry led them straight to Madeline’s group and bowed to her. “My lady.”

He would swear her cheeks were pinker than before. “Mr. Stern.”

Glancing at Worthington, Harry noticed her brother was paying attention to his attentions to her. “Would you care to stroll with me before the dancing begins?”

She glanced at her brother. “Matt?”

“Yes. You have about fifteen minutes before the first set.”

Now, how the devil was Harry going to discover who had her first dance? “We’ll be back.” He could just ask her. But would that be too forward?

She tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. “Shall we?”

Worthington raised a brow. “And please do not introduce her to any of your school chums. If an introduction is to be made, I will do it.”

Thank God! Why hadn’t Harry thought of that before? “Yes, my lord.”




Madeline wondered if Matt had discovered anything untoward about Harry’s old friends. But if Matt had, he would have had no trouble writing to them and informing them they would not be standing up with her, even Salforth.

Then she wondered if he was upset with Harry. She hoped not. She liked the feel of his hard arm under her fingers. “Do you think Matt is angry with you?”

“Not angry. Put out a bit describes it better.” Harry drew her a little closer due to the crush of the ballroom. “I should have directed them to him if they wanted an introduction.”

He was not being fair to himself. “How should you have known? To the best of my knowledge, you were not even present when Dotty and Henrietta came out. Even your father might not be as wary as Matt is. Not only that, but your friends certainly expected you to present them to me.”

“That is true.” He glanced at her with a curious look in his bright green eyes. “It wouldn’t surprise me if they decided to approach us solely because they wanted to meet you.”

That was nice of him to say. But she was not going to let him berate himself. “If Lady Sefton was not aware of how badly Lord Lancelot could behave, you could not be cognizant of chums from school. And we are not even certain that any of them are unpresentable.”

“Very well.” He chuckled lightly. “I concede to your superior argument. I will stop chastising myself.”

“Good.” They reached the end of the room and crossed to the other side. “With which other ladies are you standing up?”

“No one.” His eyes, which had held a glint of mirth, were now serious. “I am eligible, but not as eligible as other gentlemen. I doubt I will even be inveigled into dancing with other ladies.”

She caught a glimpse of Lord Montagu being led by Lady Markham to a young lady. But he had not been standing or strolling with another lady at the time. Then she saw Elizabeth Harrington cast an appraising glance at Harry. “I would not be too sure about that.”

“I was presented to some of the young ladies when my sister took me around. I don’t remember their names or what they even looked like.” He pulled a face. “I met a great many people that day.”

“I can imagine how all the faces and names blended together. We were fortunate that Grace had us attend her at homes last year, and we knew a great many of the ladies and their daughters from having been in Town during the Season.”

He stared at her for several seconds, then asked, “Who is your first dance partner?”

“The Duke of Salforth. He wanted the supper dance, but you had already asked for it.” Madeline was glad Harry had asked for that set before the duke had. If she did not like the gentleman, she would not have to suffer through supper with him. “I am also standing up with Lords Bury and Hereford. Lord Ashford, the gentleman Dotty kept from approaching us in the Park, also wrote asking for a set. I believe Matt wrote to him denying his request.”

“Ashford is presumptuous.” Harry’s tone was harder than she had heard it before.

“I must say I agree.” Madeline did not think she wanted to meet the man. “By not waiting until he was presented to me, he did not make a good impression.”

The corners of Harry’s lips tilted up. “However, I would dearly like to be around to hear what Worthington has to say to him.”

That would be interesting. “Yes. On the other hand, I do not know what I would do if he approached Matt when I was there.”

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